Izšla je nova izdaja eJIFCC. V tej izdaji je objavljen tudi članek naše članice mag. Evgenije Homšak z naslovom "EFLM project “Exchange of practical knowledge and skills in Laboratory Medicine” – EFLMLabX".
Projekt EFLMLabX je bil julija letos predstavljen na IFCC konferenci "Laboratory Medicine: Meeting the needs of Mediterranean Nations" v Rimu. V uvodnih besedah prispevka za eJIFCC je mag. Homšak zapisala:
"In many laboratories/institutions of the European Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) there is a need to acquire additional practical knowledge and skills in different fields of Laboratory Medicine (LM).
Until now, there were no possibilities, in official and open ways, to find the link to such additional but very important education, which may be obtained in other laboratories in the country or abroad. The aim of this EFLM project is to create and operate a network of medical laboratories willing and able to offer practical training in various fields/aspects of Laboratory Medicine."
Celotno besedilo prispevka in ostale teme se nahajajo na prostodostopni povezavi: eJIFCC 2018 Vol 29 no° 3